Bedtime at my house is a journey without destination. I’m fairly certain my girls don’t sleep. No matter the time, I’ll find them giggling and talking and being generally too loud for that ungodly hour.
A week or so ago I found them huddled in a circle on the floor. A stack of cards lay in the middle. As the door cracked open, they fell silent and looked up at me wide eyed, all of them wearing the same ornery grin.
One of them whispers, “Shh... Be quiet. We don’t want dad to hear us gambling.”
I say whisper, but that’s not really accurate. It was a fake, an imitation whisper, said for the specific purpose to tease me. There was some special emphasis on the word gambling, intended to drive home the sarcasm.
It worked.
I do appreciate a good laugh, even if it’s way past their bedtime.
Update on my writing progress:
I’m working on an updated outline. I’ll be done with that soon, and then off to the next draft!